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Aquatic BalanceProducts  &  Services

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Let Our Expertise Work For You

We can help you determine the best possible products and product delivery systems to keep your lakes healthy and problem free.  All of our products are supported by solid scientific research and years of practical experience. Aquatic Balance  also offers a full line of lake management services.  Aquatic Balance’s mission is to provide exceptional quality products and effective lake management services for our clients that are in harmony with a healthy environment. 

                                                                           I  look forward to working with you. 

Rick Anderson, CEO of Aquatic Balance, Inc





The Bio-Zyme Products

Bio-Zyme is the essential ingredient in keeping water sources clean & healthy. Bio-Zyme is a combination of bacteria and micronutrients. Data compiled over a ten-year period  has proven that Bio-Zyme significantly reduces muck, phosphorus and nitrogen in waterbodies, keeping them healthy and problem free.  A Bio-Zyme system can be effectively scaled from the smallest lake to the size of Lake Okeechobee water body. You can order Bio-Zyme products only by phone.

Call Rick Anderson for exact pricing and ordering 772-360-8115




Bio-Generator  Systems
The  most efficient & cost effective method to distribute Bio-Zyme bacteria



A Bio-Generator "brews up" the Bio-Zyme bulk powder this amplifies the  Bio-Zyme bacteria millions of times.  A t set intervals, a timer  releases  the "brewed up" bacteria  directly from the generator into the lake.  The  amplified bacteria from the generator can also be can off-loaded from the generator into  sprayer for distribution. 


Aquatic Balance  can custom design and install a Bio-Generator system for any size lake and lake system. We have successfully installed Bio-Generator systems ranging from small one-acre ponds to a large multi-lake systems. Call or email us and we can discuss your lake needs.



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Aerators & Fountains 

The perfect paring  health and beauty for your lake

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 Aquatic Balance has the Airmax aerators & fountains to fit your lake 


              Aerators provide proactive solutions for your lakes by;


                                                        1.  Circulating and oxygenating the water

                                            column  creating a healthy fish population.


                                           2.  Preventing stagnate water, reducing 

                                           midge fly and mosquito populations. 


                                                        3.  Combine an Airmax aerator with a fountain

                                           & enjoy bold beautiful water patterns. 


Airmax Fountains Are Engineered to Last  

        Fountains have efficient asynchronous  water-cooled motors

        Fountains  pulls water from deeper in the lake for better aeration.

        Fountains come  with three standard display patterns. 

                              Additional premium spray nozzles are available.


Aquatic Balance Lake Management Services

Aquatic Balance offers comprehensive professional lake management
services for golf courses, local municipalities  &  private lake owners.


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Aquatic Balances Services Include:

         Aquatic Planting
              Littoral Maintenance
                 Environmental Restoration
                      Lake Maintenance  Service Programs
                          Bio-Zyme Generator Installation & Maintenance 

Aquatic Balance provides all your lake's needs by:

            Integrating natural solutions into your lake's  management   program
                  Using  only EPA approved treatment methods and chemicals
                   Aquatic Balance's has an efficient, well trained and trusted staff


 Aquatic Balance’s mission is to provide exceptional quality products and effective lake management services for our clients that are in harmony with a healthy environment. 
                                                                                                       Rick Anderson, Founder & Owner

To order products or services contact Rick by Email or Phone.
We will be happy answer any questions or take your order.

Cell: 772-360-8115

​PO Box 486, Palm City, FL 34991


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