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    Aquatic Balance's
Lake Management Services

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Maintaining  the  natural balance between man and water


Why Choose Aquatic Balance?

Aquatic Balance has years of experience on:

...  golf course lakes

...  home owner's lakes

...  municipalities water assets

Aquatic Balance uses science-based best practices EPA approved treatment methods.

 Aquatic Balance's applicators are experienced,
well-trained lake maintenance professionals.


Aquatic Balance's mission is to provide quality, environmentally friendly lake management services  
based on established science to keep our customers lakes clean, heathy and problem free. 

Plant and Algae  Control

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Lakes are created for various purposes and within three to five years muck will begin to buildup in the lake. This muck causes excessive weed and algae growth. 


Aquatic Balance has the expertise to reduce muck build up and eliminate algae in your lake; safely, economically and efficiently through the use of the Bio-Zyme system. 

Bio-Zyme Systems

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The Bio-Zyme system is the most efficient and cost effective system to manage excess nutrients, reduce muck on the bottom and improve quality of the water.  


A heathy lake is a lake where the nutrient levels are in balance, Problems occur when the bacteria in the       lake becomes overloaded. Bio-Zyme system augments the existing bacteria and keeps the lake in balance.        Bio-Zyme is safe, effective and can save chemical  costs. 

Aquatic Planting

Aquatic Balance knows the plants and how to plant them to keep your lake heathy.

Aeration is essential in keeping your lakes healthy by oxygenating the water column accelerating the decomposition  by boosting the beneficial aerobic bacteria.


Aquatic Balance is a certified Airmax distributer and installer. We can help you select and install the best Airmax products to fit  your needs.


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Fountains offer beauty, relaxing sound and great surface aeration. Airmax fountains come in a variety of colors, spray patterns and sizes.


Aquatic Balance professionals will help you select the right Airmax fountain to fit your needs.

Environmental Restoration

Aquatic Balance can help       you plan and establish an effective and beautiful  restoration of your   aquatic assets.

Fish Restocking

A robust fish population is a sign      of a heathy lake as well as great recreational benefit.


Aquatic Balance can help your

lake establish and maintain the             fish population in your lake.

Littoral Maintenance

The littoral shore line is important for the heath and beauty of your lakes.


Aquatic Balance is an expert at keeping the littoral areas around your lake problem free.

To order products or services contact Rick by Email or Phone.
We will be happy answer any questions or take your order.

Cell: 772-360-8115

​PO Box 486, Palm City, FL 34991


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